Batman vs. Superman May Be Filming in Metamora Township, Michigan

by Adam Poncharoen​sub
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Batman vs. Superman may have acquired permits to film in Metamora Township, Michigan.

Back in August, it was reported that the upcoming (now delayed) follow-up to Man of Steel, tentatively titled Batman vs. Superman, would be primarily shooting in Detroit, Michigan, with the rest of production in Los Angeles. Well, it seems that they have acquired permits to shoot in small township just 4 1/2 hours south of Detroit called Metamora.

Some permits have been discovered for a movie entitled Sage and Milo, which if you’ve been following the coverage here at DKN, you’d know that it’s what fans have speculated to be the secret code name for Batman vs. Superman. The permits allow them to come in and build a structure over an old Girl Scouts camp and tear it down as soon as they finish shooting.

There seems to be very little details on exactly what this “structure” is, however, given it’s location is a very small, secluded township, I’m going to wager a guess here. I’m speculating that this is going to be Wayne Manor.  Not the most exciting news, I concede, but still pretty cool.


What do you think? Could it be Wayne Manor or just some other key structure that I’m just missing at this point in time? Let me know.

Source – M Live

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