Legion of Super-Heroes #3
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Ryan Sook
Color Artist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Review by Carl Bryan – Small spoilers follow
How is everyone related?
They’re young, they get into tense situations.., so there’s bound to be some romance, right? Spill the beans, already! Cosmic Boy and Shadow Lass are dating… did you know that? Apparently Mon-El wants to know! Speaking of Mon-El, what was the exchange between Superboy and Triplicate Girl about? Apparently he’s actually Jonathan’s… way to keep us hanging there Brian Bendis? Next issue perhaps?
Intergalactic Incident
Since Superboy’s arrival the Legion seems to get into its own way, as for every “good” move they make, they apparently take seven steps back, both in reputation as well as in the political climate in this time stream. Bendis does a great job of keeping the arrival of Damian Wayne as a separate story to Ultra-Boy’s conflict with his father, thus both sides of the tale come together in a rather climactic way!
The art is fantastic and the re-imagination of the team is perfect! My only regret is that there’s so much going on that you really want the issues to come faster and faster! Well done Mr. Bendis and the gang!
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment
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