Adrien Brody Auditioned for Joker Role in ‘The Dark Knight’

by Eric Lee
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Oscar winning actor Adrien Brody talked about auditioning for the Joker part in The Dark Knight.

In interview on the podcast Happy, Sad, Confused, Brody revealed that he met with Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan for the role. But Brody was quick to point out that he was not in close contention for the role. He further went on to praise the late Heath Ledger for doing an amazing job as the Joker.

“Oh no, I wasn’t close. It was a role that I felt very suited to do. Heath did such a remarkable job in that movie. It was indelible. Such beautiful work. Any actor who has a degree of edge would like to delve into a character like that, especially with a filmmaker like Christopher Nolan who brought such a profound vision. Nobody was doing that at the time. There was nothing like that. Christopher Nolan’s work and what he gave actors in that was such a revelation. It was mind-blowing to see. That would have been such a dream role and I’m sure it was for Heath.”

You can check out their conversation in the video below.


Adrien Brody Could’ve Been a Great Joker

Adrien Brody was already an Oscar winner for his performance in The Pianist in 2003. So by the time he met Nolan for the part, he was already a big deal. And Bat-fans already know Ledger took the Joker part and won a posthumous Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. If Brody won, would his performance have earned him another Oscar? Who could say. We know that Brody can do serious drama work. But he also can do physical, more action-oriented roles like in Predators. So on paper, he is not a bad choice for the Joker either.


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