Batman Media NewsNews Jesse Eisenberg on Lex Luthor by Andrew Lococo October 5, 2015 by Andrew Lococo October 5, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie NewsNews George Miller of ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Denies Helming ‘Man of Steel’ Sequel by John Hagmann October 1, 2015 by John Hagmann October 1, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Media NewsNews Star Wars Author Michael Kogge Writing Junior Prequel Novel to ‘BvS’ by Adam Poncharoensub September 27, 2015 by Adam Poncharoensub September 27, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie NewsNews Zack Snyder: “Batman V. Superman IS Man of Steel 2” by Andrew Lococo September 21, 2015 by Andrew Lococo September 21, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie News Jesse Eisenberg on Lex Luthor, Depth of ‘Dawn of Justice’ by John Hagmann September 17, 2015 by John Hagmann September 17, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Media NewsNews ‘Batman v Superman’ Photos from Empire UK Released Online by Adam Poncharoensub September 6, 2015 by Adam Poncharoensub September 6, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie NewsNews Margot Robbie Talks ‘Suicide Squad’ and Jared Leto’s Joker by Adam Poncharoensub August 30, 2015 by Adam Poncharoensub August 30, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie NewsNews That’s a Wrap on ‘Suicide Squad’ by Ryan Lower August 28, 2015 by Ryan Lower August 28, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie NewsNews Michael Shannon Drops Strange Detail for his Return as Zod in ‘Batman v. Superman’ by Adam Poncharoensub August 23, 2015 by Adam Poncharoensub August 23, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Batman Movie NewsNews WB CEO Speaks on ‘Batman v Superman’ Release Date by Ryan Lower August 20, 2015 by Ryan Lower August 20, 2015 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail