Writer: Scott Snyder, Grant Morrison, James Tynion IV, and Joshua Williamson
Artists: Doug Mahnke, Ivan Reis, and others
A preview for the Dark Knights: Metal tie-in hit the internet via CBR.com. The Dark Batmen are rampaging across the DC universe. The dark demon Barbatos is dangerously close to corrupting its heroes. And the Justice League are caught in a trap. So naturally it seems like a good time for a one-shot to focus on the Detective Chimp. Check out the one-shot that is suppose to bridge the gap between Metal #5 and Metal #6.
Official Solicitation
DARK KNIGHTS RISING: THE WILD HUNT #1Written by SCOTT SNYDER, JAMES TYNION IV, GRANT MORRISON, and JOSHUA WILLIAMSONArt by DOUG MAHNKE, IVAN REIS and othersCover by DOUG MAHNKEContinued from the pages of the bestselling DARK NIGHTS: METAL! The Dark Knights ride through the farthest reaches of the Multiverse to track down the unlikeliest of teams: The Flash, Cyborg, Raven and Detective Chimp. The mission: keep these heroes from completing their desperate quest to save all of existence! Plus, Challengers’ Mountain crackles with dark energy that will release an army of the world’s worst nightmares into the streets of Gotham City!This one-shot also answers the question: Where are the Metal Men? And who is the latest addition to the team?ONE-SHOT • On sale FEBRUARY 14 • 40 pg, FC, $4.99 USFOIL-STAMPED COVER • RATED T+