If you’ve been on DKN Facebook, you would have seen links of the NYCC Twitch TV The Dark Knight Returns Pt.2 panel. It was a decent panel featuring Bruce Timm (producer) and Andrea Romanno (voice director) who answered some really cool fan questions at the end of the panel.
Question 1: Why they would they include a woman who’s breasts are covered in swastika tattoos, but Gordon has to have nicotine
gum rather than smoking cigars like he does in the comics?
Answer: Bruce Timm replied that smoking in a cartoon will automatically get you an R-rating. Swastikas on bare-breasts does not for some reason.
Question 2: Would you ever do a Batman Beyond movie?
Answer: Timm would love to make a Batman Beyond movie but they don’t have anything planned at this time. The audience cheers at the prospect.
Timm was also asked if he would do a HUSH or The Killing Joke animated movie. He stated that those are not up for animated features, however, he did like the idea of those books.
Question 3: What did Frank Miller think of the animated feature?
Answer: Timm replied that he hasn’t heard what Miller thought about the movie.
More from this panel, Superman: Unbound will be coming out as well as Justice League: Flashpoint. So, this is good! Apparently, Timm and Romanno could not tell us if Kevin Conroy will be doing Batman’s voice. From what I saw from the live streams on Newsarama and MTV Geek, it looked like Conroy might be the voice of Batman. This is not to be taken as confirmed, but Romanno loves using Conroy as Batman. He kind of makes her job a bit easier as a voice director.
These were the questions I thought were cool and interesting. There were plenty of them, but you should have seen the live stream for that. Maybe down the line NYCC will release after this weekend. Until then, keep on conning!
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Source- NYCC Twitch TV