Spotlight Review: DC All In Special #1

by James Attias
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Writer: Joshua Williamson and Scott Snyder
Artist: Daniel Sampere, Dan Mora and Wes Craig
Color Artist: Alejandro Sànchez, Tamra Bonvillain and Mike Spicer
Letterer: Steve Wands
Review by James Attias

The new era of DC Comics starts here. DC All In Special #1 takes us from the end to the beginning to the end again. Let’s jump… All in.


As soon as this issue starts it is Superman narrating and talking about the building of the new League Watchtower, and the heroes. Talking to the audience through the amazing ingenuity that went into building it. The magic, science and mooooney that it took to build this floating sentry tower in earth’s atmosphere. Watching over us with enough room for everyone. Heroes great and small, and one Superman wanted to single out… Mainly Booster Gold, I knew this was going to hurt. For those of you who know, Booster Gold, often played as the idiot, is actually one of the best heroes whose story is rarely told. An unsung hero for the ages. A big part of this issue is each member of the league getting their new JLU Membership cards. I’ve wanted one of those all my life! But needless to say the moment of joy and unity didn’t last all that long… Knock Knock, there’s someone at the door. He’s Big. He’s Bad. And he is going to change everything.


After an absolutely heartwarming first story from Williamson and Snyder. We’re treated to a back up story from Snyder and Williamson. This one is much Darker and gives us the perspective of Mr Big Bad who crashes the end of the first story. I hope you know who I’m talking about… Because I’m doing my damndest to not give too much away. This backup story shows us how this new Elseworld is created and what we can expect from the new Absolute titles coming out. A lot of eyes on that giant Batman with the huge axe! This issue is going to be referenced a lot going forward. So I can’t emphasize enough how important it will be to read it!


DC All In Special #1 is the jumping off point for the new Era of DC Comics, beautifully drawn, beautifully written and it will be talked about for years to come!


Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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