Review: Detective Comics #1095

by James Attias
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“Mercy Of The Father” Part Six
Writers: Tom Taylor
Artist: Mikel Janin
Letterers: Wes Abbott
Review by James Attias

If Bruce Wayne is p*ssed, there is very little you can do to cool him down, especially if kids have been hurt. Detective Comics #1095 is a burning rage. 

A Slight Chill

Everyone who’s a Batman fan knows about Joe Chill, they know that outside of the Monarch Theatre at 10.48pm, in a mugging gone wrong, he shot and killed Dr Thomas and Martha Wayne. Leaving their son Bruce alive and fleeing into the night. But what if you were told that wasn’t the whole story. What if you were told there was more to it? This issue adds a great new layer to that story and I for one was on the edge of my seat reading it. Now what about Asema, and Scarlett, well rest assured those two, and more villains and rogues all play a tantalizing role in this book.


There is a very interesting sub story in this issue that I can’t wait to see develop. The way Tom Taylor has started so strong on his run and kept the absolute highest of writing standards really does make me smile. As well as the stunning art of Mikel Janin, this run from this creative team will be talked about in years to come!


Detective Comics #1095 feels like a huge dose of pain, rage and intrigue to my Bat heart. I can’t give too much away, but I can safely say if you think you’re excited, wait until you read the issue yourself!

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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