Find Out How YOU Can Chat With Frank Miller About ‘The Dark Knight III: The Master Race’

by Eric Joseph
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On November 25, DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE explodes onto comic retailer shelves everywhere! This eight-issue limited series is the sequel to 1986’s ground breaking DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, and the follow up to 2001-2002’s DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN. And in 2015, Frank Miller’s back, along with co-writer Brian Azzarello, artist Andy Kubert and longtime collaborator inker Klaus Janson, reuniting with Miller for the first time in 30 years.

We know you’ve got questions. A LOT of questions. So we’ve finally corralled co-writer Frank Miller to answer them in a special fan chat on Twitter, this Friday November 20, from 10amPT/1pmET to 11amPT/2pmET. Join in the chat using the hashtag #FrankMillerChat to ask any questions about Dark Knight III. You can ask him about the main story, the mini comics and probably the most often-asked question since the book’s announcement, “What’s up with that title?”

We just can’t guarantee he’ll tell you…


Image and information courtesy of DC Entertainment.

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