Batman Villains Sit for Their Mugshots in the 1940’s

Like crazy realistic and gritty takes on Batman? Like the dapper style of old school gangsters from the 1940’s? Want me to get to the point already? Then, click the jump to see more.

Though I enjoy the suit and tie look as much as the next guy, I’m more of a t-shirt and jeans guy myself mostly because of how comfortable I feel wearing them. Plus, a suit and tie sometimes screams pretentious. Some people can pull it off, some can’t. Different stereotypes come to mind when you think of people in classy suits, but let’s talk about some criminals. More specifically, the gangsters of the mid-19th Century. You know, Al Capone and John Dillinger. We knew them from their smug mugshots (I like what I did there) back in the day, where we saw just how well-dressed and dignified these folks were. Well, can you imagine some vintage mugshots of Batman villains? (Batman was created in the 30’s after all) Well, look no further, because someone’s already done it for us with these fantastically photorealistic takes on some beaten and defeated Batman villains.

Take a look:

The level of detail is pretty astounding and I’m loving the grittiness in the tone, texture, and colors. Of the batch, my favorite would probably have to be poor old Penguin, who’s clearly pretty scraped up from another futile bout with the Caped Crusader. My only gripe is that the Joker doesn’t quite look like the Joker, at least to me anyhow. I didn’t recognize him at first and he’s possibly the most recognizable character in Batman’s rogues gallery. They’re so damn real that it’s starting to creep me out.

These are digitally painted by Jason Mark. Give him some love.

Any other interesting ideas in mind to capture these villains in a different light? Let me know, I’d love to see these creations.

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Source – Jason Mark (Via Geekologie)

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