James Gunn Talks About Batman Cameo in ‘Creature Commandos’

DC Studios co-president James Gunn was open about the thought process to briefly show Batman in Creature Commandos.

In the DCU animated series, Batman villain Dr. Phosphorus is a part of the regular cast. In episode six, viewers are treated to his origin story where mob boss Rupert Thorne was responsible for turning him radioactive. It also showed how he ended up in prison before Amanda Waller recruited him as the part of the Creature Commandos. It turns out that Dr. Phosphorus was a very successful mob boss until one faithful night, Batman took him down.

Fans saw but a quick flash of Batman before we cut to the next scene. In an Rotten Tomatoes video, Gunn breaks down the cameo. According to him, Batman’s initial appearance showed off a lot more details of his DCU look. But Gunn vetoed it, preferring to give fans a quick tease so it does not contradict any design choices down the line when Batman will appear in The Brave and the Bold.

“When they first gave it to me, we saw a lot more Batman, and I [was] saying, ‘I am not ready to commit to that. I’m not ready to commit to that. I’m not ready to commit to that’. So I [was] just like ‘more silhouette, more silhouette, more silhouette.’” It’s a great way to show that Batman does exist- he already exists in this universe. Just like when we come to the Superman movie, Superman already exists. He’s already known by the people of Metropolis…”

It is a good call for Gunn to realize he did not want to blow the full-reveal so early in the DCU chronology yet. This cameo gives a slight tease of Batman just enough to whet fans’ appetites for the Caped Crusader.


No Origin Story for the DCU Batman

Gunn also continued, saying how he wanted to make sure the cameo establishes that Batman has already been around for a while. Furthermore, when we do get to see the Dark Knight fully, we will not revisit the origin story.

“We don’t need to hear the origin story again… [Batman’s] an important part of this universe. And he has an impact on it including defeating such pretty dangerous scary people like [Doctor] Phosphorus who’s pretty tough. This is the DCU Batman. We’re going to do great things with him. He’s the most popular superhero in the world and I can’t wait for people to see more of him along with Superman and together.”

New episodes of Creature Commandos come out weekly on Max streaming service.

Source: YouTube.com

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