Review: Poison Ivy #28

by Fay Clark
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“Poison Ivy” – Chapter Twenty-Eight
Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Artist: Marcio Takara

Color Artist: Arif Prianto
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Review by Fay Clark

Why is it that we always seem to leave Ivy on some major cliff-hanger? To get me to come back and see what is going on next time! Oh don’t worry, I would be back even if there wasn’t something ridiculously juicy happening at the end of every issue. Either way, let’s see if Poison Ivy can convince a bunch of people she is not a God in Poison Ivy #28.

A Curse or A Gift?

I have been reading this series from the start, so I know that G. Willow Wilson is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to Ivy’s backstory. Yet, Wilson has even managed to surprise me with how she has weaved in all of the powers of The Green, among other special surprises. Wilson either has the most knowledge of DC ever, or is a phenomenal researcher. To be fair, both are amazingly impressive. We see Poison Ivy going through some turmoil and ends up spinning out a little bit. Poison Ivy #28 showcases the newest relationship going on in the Marshlands, and I couldn’t be happier. Janet from HR has a new beau, and it’s adorable. Wilson has been leading up to this for a while, getting the confirmation is so much sweeter!

Don’t you just love it when rando’s come into your life and insist on telling you how to live it? Yeh, neither does Ivy. G. Willow Wilson has been pushing Pam to the limit lately, and I’m not sure how much more she can handle before she actually snaps and goes back to killing the people of the planet so plants can take over.

Ominous Shadows

The tonal shift of Poison Ivy #28 indicates that the series is slowly getting darker and greyer. Arif Prianto has moved away from the bright hallucinogenic colors to a more shadowy darker color palette. I love seeing the pops of color against such a harsh background. Ivy’s Red hair will always stand out in the dreariness of Gotham, and now, the marshland. When you get Arif’s color work with Marcio Takara’s artwork it’s always a wonderful scene. Seeing the beautifulness of the backgrounds that they have created together adds realness to the panels. There always seems to be a particular panel that I end up staring at for a lot longer than the rest… the one in Poison Ivy #28 seems pretty self-explanatory.


Poison Ivy needs a holiday. Honestly, I am surprised she hasn’t had a breakdown before now. She’s been through a lot recently and it just seems to keep going. I really hope that Wilson knows what she is doing! I mean, I have all the faith in her, considering what we have seen so far this series. I’m intrigued to see what happens next, and how Janet from HR’s relationship evolves.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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