Review: Suicide Squad: Dream Team #2

“Shattered Dreams”
Writer: Nicole Maines
Artists: Eddy Barrows & Eber Ferreira
Color Artist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Becca Carey
Review by Philip Clark

Suicide Squad: Dream Team #2 is out, and after the shocking end of the last issue, will the team be able to complete their mission; or will they revolt against their command in chief? There’s only one way to find out!

Hopes and Dreams

I love that Suicide Squad has consistently brought some of the lesser-known DC characters into public view. This series is shining the spotlight on Dreamer, along with two characters I’ve not heard of before, Black Alice and Deadeye. Throw in Bizarro, Harley Quinn, and Clock King and you’ve got yourself a plethora of very unique characters.

For this issue specifically, I’d like to give a shoutout to Clock King… man is he terrifying? It’s his mentality that sends shivers down my spine. With a huge fight going on around him, he remains calm and composed as he explains the team’s current predicament; eventually finishing the mission himself. Read through those first few panels and tell me that you don’t get a little twinge of terror in your stomach.

I’d also like to talk about Bizarro. He gives off such Golden Retriever energy, he’s just a happy boy who wants someone to tell him he’s doing a good; or bad, job. He also plays an integral role in Dreamer’s trials and tribulations.

Unfortunately, I do have a slight gripe with this issue and that is that it’s a little heavily written. There’s a lot of exposition and filler text which makes it difficult to digest. I can tell that Maines is setting up a brilliant story, it’s just not quite firing at the moment.


Suicide Squad: Dream Team #2 continues setting the scene for Maine’s run, which so far is going well. I’m looking forward to seeing what she can bring to the story and seeing how, or if, the team will survive their missions.

Images courtesy of DC Entertainment

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