“Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker” – Book Five

Writers: Katana Collins, Clay McCormack, and Sean Murphy
Artist: Mirka Andolfo
Color Artist: Alejandro Sánchez
Letterer: Andworld’s DC Hopkins

Review by James Attias
Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #5 gives us a glimpse into the past of a new Harley Quinn, and an Old Joker.
The Old Adventures of New Harleen
On a specific Earth in the Multiverse we’ve been enjoying the many connected stories by Sean Murphy and his White Knight Universe, one where Batman became unhinged and the Joker achieved sanity… however short-lived those events were.
We’ve now skipped to the future to find there are a few gaps that have been left in the story, for creative reasons. This issue of Generation Joker takes us back and gives us glimpses from the first time Marion, AKA Harley Quinn 2, AKA Neo-Joker met Poison Ivy. For those of you who don’t know Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy have a long history of being romantically involved, as Pamela was a comfort to Harley after being abused by Joker for so many years.
In this continuity, though, there was more than one Harley Quinn. The original was hopelessly devoted to the clown psycho, the second was a new, more vicious version, who took up the mantle of the Clown Prince of Crime’s right hand. She even wanted to continue his legacy when the world thought he’d turned good. So, what could be driving her now? She’s had a name change: she now goes by “Riot” but seems to have had an ulterior motive throughout this story. We finally find out what it is, and why she needs digital Joker’s USB stick of immortality (it’s not actually called that, but maybe it should be).
Taking a peek into some of the other characters involved in this story was a welcome break, as the children that the main focus has been placed on have been getting on my nerves. If I knew how old they were it would help, because if they’re teenagers, then I get it… they’re rebellious but should know better. If, however, they’re 10, then it really does make you think, can someone that age really drive a car? As I said, they were only moderately present and annoying in this issue, so we can move on!
Kids, Agents, Fugitives and Heroes
I was trying to move onto a more positive subject, so I’ll get my next gripe over quickly. If Agent Prince is Wonder Woman, great. If not, then please take one of the 200 Star necklaces and star bracelets off her. I’ve never met a government agent but I’m pretty sure if they wore as many stars as she’s wearing her code name would be The Milky Way. Rant over. On to the good bits!
I really enjoyed the story in this issue, as it kept me on my toes and left me wanting more. It was nice to see Bruce again, for yet another quick cameo, but this time it was an awesome one. He was finally able to interact with other characters! In terms of art, it was as consistent as this run has been, and I’ve already aired my grievances on the age of the twins and Diana’s jewelry, so let’s not bring those up again.
Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #5 was an improvement over the last few issues, and definitely a step in the right direction as we ramp up the book’s main plot and chaotic ramifications.
This review was written in Loving Memory of Arleen Sorkin. The Original Harley Quinn.
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment