Review: Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #1

“Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker” – Book One
Writers: Katana Collins, Clayton McCormack, and Sean Murphy
Artist: Mirka Andolfo
Color Artist: Alejandro Sánchez
Letterer: AndWorld Design
Review by James Attias

Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #1 is a rad new series, set in the White Knight Universe. It picks up right where we left off after our last adventure from the schwayest writer around, Sean Murphy.

Talkin’ ’bout My Generation Joker

Batman, Joker, and Harley Quinn have a wonderfully complicated relationship, through all types of media. Starting with animation and working their way through books, podcasts, and movies.

The White Knight series, which has been developing now for seven years, has given us life and death. When we enter this new chapter, the children of Joker and Harley; or Jack and Harleen… are at a crossroads. They’ve been raised by Harley, influenced by Bruce, and have that wicked strand of Jack in their DNA. This story’s about the children’s journey of finding out who they are, and where they come from.

The AI of Jack that helped the Bat family defeat Derek Powers (see Batman: Beyond The White Knight) was presumed destroyed at the end of the story. This new series jumps right into the aftermath for Jacky and Bryce, having just regained and then lost their father all over again. With a mouthful of a title that I will have to find a way to abbreviate: Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #1. (BWKPGJ?)

I don’t think that Bruce will play a big role in this title, having been recruited by Agents Prince and Stewart (Wonder Woman and GL) of the FBI, but in typical Old Man Bruce fashion, he won’t let Harley face this challenge alone.

I recommend to all who are thinking of picking up this title, please read Batman: White Knight, and read the sequel, spinoffs, and tie-in stories. They all add great value to these tales. Without them, subtle little references and characters will not have the same emotional impact.

Consequences of The Knight Before

This story starts off similar to an Adventures in Babysitting-type story, of kids and an unprepared adult on a chaotic journey. Towards the end, it takes a really dark twist that was very well told and illustrated. We see lots of returning characters, plus new ones, and unsettling situations.

The art in this issue was good. It’s always jarring when it isn’t Sean Murphy drawing these books, but the preview pages at the end for the next issue, that art looks like a colorful masterpiece. I’m really excited about that.


Batman White Knight Presents Generation Joker #1 gives a great start to an exciting story. I can’t wait for issue two!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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