Review: Justice Society of America #3

Writer: Geoff Johns
Artists: Mikel Janín and Jerry Ordway
Color Artists: Jordie Bellaire and John Kalisz
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Review by Kendra Hale

 Justice Society of America #3 sincerely has no right to come for readers as hard as it does this issue. With a villain reveal that is the perfect mix of nostalgia and modernity. This issue has little mercy.

As Helena Wayne searches through time for the right help, it seems that a twist is in fact in store, not only for her but also for her beloved readers… along with some heady sprinklings of JSA history.

Don’t Waste It

Taking a trip back to 1944, the book opens with Easy Company looking for Degaton, the protégé of Malachi Zee. A key player in the Third Reich’s occult operations, currently leading the project that is kidnapping and torturing local villagers without rhyme or reason. However, the experiment is to open a doorway to time at any cost to ensure the victory of the Nazi party, but Sgt. Rock and his Company have no qualms about interfering with that plan.

Meanwhile, Helena’s introduced to the JSA of 26 years before her own team and her Mother were mercilessly slaughtered by Degaton. Dr. Fate’s struggling with why the universe would have sent her to his rookie time when there were far stronger times to have been chosen, while Helena’s reeling from those she’s admired and known as well as those that she’s heard of but never met. A plan is struck, but are they going to meet the same destiny as Helena’s future teammates?

I Could Change Everything

From Sgt. Rock to story-line concepts ranging back to JSA #12,  Justice Society of America #3 packs a massive punchThere are so many stunning pieces of art between full and double-page spreads with elements that reminded me of the Alex Ross art for the JSA books. Seeing so many favorite characters like Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, and Courtney… this issue just keeps on giving.

There’s humor, origins, and history all wrapped with a bow. Fully convinced that the JSA series is a love letter to the characters and the fans with so much left to come. My favorite moments are Khalid being in shock about what happens to his future self and, of course, Alan Scott’s moment of “Let’s call her Dad.” Plus the exquisite main cover, a character studded clock, by Mikel Janín as well as other covers by Yanick Paquette and Nathan Fairbairn, Steve Sadowski, and John Kalisz, and an International Women’s Day cover by Maria Laura Sanapo and Laura Martin.

Bonus Loves

It would have haunted me if I didn’t mention two other additional pieces of greatness. I must give a special shout-out to Rob Leigh for his lettering, in the way the speaking characters or their POVs are captured with their symbol. That’s a small detail that is beloved by many a fan and is so nice to see here as well. Also, the moment Helena goes through the internal monologue of what it means to be slung back in time and potentially be able to change fate’s design for the JSA members, as well as her Dad. It’s all astoundingly well done. I look forward to seeing how that all plays out.


Justice Society of America #3 shows us who Degaton is and what his motives are. It showcases excellence and master talents when it comes to embracing the past while enjoying what is the future. I can not wait to see what twists this story has for us, even as the pain is imminent with a title for the next issue being “The Death of The JSA“.  I am down for the ride and will see you next time!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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