Review: Batman Incorporated #6

“This Little Piggy” – Part One
Writer: Ed Brisson
Artist: Michele Bandini

Color Artist: Rex Lokus
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Review by James Attias

Batman Incorporated #6 is a new chapter in this team’s adventure, and following the We ❤️ Grant Morrison theme of this series, Professor Pyg is here to cause some messed up mayhem!

When is a Pyg not a Pig?

I was initially a bit worried about this series. A Team up book is a high-value asset, you get a lot of characters to play with. The thing is, if you don’t use them well, another series is stalking in the shadows to steal that character away for a cameo that turns into a spin-off. So you won’t believe my delight when this issue finally started to show the true value and true character of a bunch of these great heroes!

The last arc felt a little unsatisfying for me, so when this story jumped straight in with a notorious bat-villain, already unhinged, torturing another bat-villain. I was on the edge of my seat yelling “More! More!”

Someone’s stolen something from one of the best “new” villains in comic books (showing my age but new means less than 30 years old). The homicidal Professor Pyg is hell-bent on finding out who stole this prize possession of his, and he’s more than willing to dismember everyone and anyone who he thinks is holding out on info.

We’ve got a villain. He’s loud, he’s colorful, and he’s dangerous! If only there were a team of heroes who could fight him and be caught off guard by his unpredictable nature and insane tactics.

Ghost-Maker’s wonderfully written in this issue. I’m starting to enjoy reading him again. He isn’t meant to be the silent brooding type; that’s why we have Batman. No, Ghost-Maker’s the guy who tells you how he could have done something in half the time, and you’re stupid for not seeing that, and that’s why he’s better than you. That’s what this issue shows us, GM’s true, cocky, you’re only here because I allow it, type of attitude. It was a blast to read.


After all of my praise for Ghost-Maker this issue. It did feel like Clownhunter was also going to get a push in the good dialogue department, but it fell slightly flat. They’re gearing up for character development (after 2, or 3 years?). So, I won’t be too harsh. I’m starting to want to see this kid as more than just the brat with the bat, though. I’m a genius… you heard it here first “CLOWNHUNTER – THE BRAT WITH THE BAT” I love this job.

Everyone else this issue showed off some honest character development and was interesting to read. I hope CH does the same next issue.


Batman Incorporated #6 gave us a great villain, a team of heroes, a few cameos, and mentioned other characters in a shared universe. At this point, if you want more you’re just greedy!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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