Review: Suicide Squad #12

“The Beginning of the End”
Writer: Robbie Thompson, Dennis Hopeless
Artists: Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, Dexter Soy
Color Artists: Marcelo Maiolo, Matt Herms
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by Adam Ray

Things reach a fever pitch in Suicide Squad #12There are multiple tense moments and highly dynamic action scenes that map over each other to make everything high octane, and bubble to the surface.

We’re swept up in the action and built-up drama right from the drop. All the expectations that have been building up over the run are immediately flipped back on us in a way that makes total sense, yet remains a full surprise.

The strength of the action is given through the visuals. The contrast of bright, cosmic colors in the many world-style battles of the main squad. This is heavily contrasted by the muted greys of the undisclosed location base and the clashes between Waller and her enemies.

The consistency of the characterization is something that Thompson and Hopeless must be praised for. The determination of Rick Flag on his personal quest is contrasted by the entirely calm and vicious nature of Amanda Waller. The struggles of the other characters in their fight on Earth-8 are so clear.

We start off wondering how our heroes could fail, but by the end, we feel that the characters we’re rooting for are somewhat doomed. The clear narrative contrasting the issue’s opening with Flag’s monologue, then closing with Waller’s is so clearly literary in its mirroring, especially when the words in their speeches match so clearly.


It’s a very hard balance to keep where a single issue can bring us classic, pulp comic book action alongside well-handled literary tropes, yet Suicide Squad #12 brings this quality of storytelling front and center. We have an ambitious and masterful team, who seem to be able to tell any story imaginable.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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