Batman RPG Lets You Roleplay as the Bat Family

The Batman: Gotham City Chronicles tabletop role-playing game is crowd-funding an expansion for more game play.

Gotham City Chronicles hits game shelves a few years ago. The game play was highly reminiscent of Dungeons and Dragons, but with ability to play as Batman and his allies against the rogues gallery. Just like D&D, players could create their own story lines and change the characters’ paths as they saw fit.

Monolith Edition is now crowdfunding the expansion for Gotham City Chronicles, titled the Skyline Edition. This version would come with original GCC role playing game, as well as an expansion pack with more miniature character pieces, battle maps, core books, and guide.


Batman: Gotham City Chronicles Skyline Edition

The Skyline Edition also allows players the ability to play as a supervillain or just create your own characters. This edition has met its financial goal, but it is still not too late to pledge. The crowd funding campaign goes until January 21st. It would be a last minute pledge. But it would be perfectly in-theme with Batman who always saves the day at the 11th hour.

One of the most notable differences between the Batman RPG versus Dungeons and Dragons is the Tiered Characters game play mechanic. This allows the players to play as normal citizens who are trying to survived Gotham City all the way up to full on superheroes. Of course, depending on what character you choose as will heavily impact your in-game abilities, as well as your mission objectives.

Another interesting diversion from D&D game play is the Character Ethics score. Depending on if your a villain, citizen, or hero, your Ethics score will change your dice rolls and thus your actions.

You can still pledge Batman: Gotham City Chronicles Skyline Edition here.


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