Joel Kinnaman Talks James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’

For those who might not have heard, The Suicide Squad is a soft reboot, rather than an outright sequel to its 2016 counterpart. Most reboots involve a brand new casts portraying the same characters. However, James Gunn’s newest film is going a different direction with several returning actors reprising their roles. Joel Kinnaman is one of these actors.

Kinnaman portrays Rick Flag in both versions of the Suicide Squad, although the characters might end up being a bit different from each other. When the first film came out, fans were rightfully upset. The characterizations of many of the anti-heroes were different from their comic counterparts and some fans didn’t appreciate that. When the new film was initially announced, viewers were unsure their hopes for the characters would be met.

Kinnaman has put many of those doubts to rest. While he hasn’t said anything specific about the characterizations of the villains, the actor has sung the film’s praises. He admits that he is biased in favor of the blockbuster., and also says that he thinks it’s an excellent film. Kinnaman even went so far as to say that he thinks The Suicide Squad is James Gunn’s best movie:

It’s insane. It’s by far James Gunn’s best movie…

It just takes it to another level. It’s an insane film. At the same time, it was very much the movie that I thought it was going to be because the vision was so clear from the beginning. While we were shooting it, it was so clear what we were doing. It’s so entertaining. I’m of course hopelessly biased, but I found it to be one of the most entertaining films I’ve ever seen.

From A to Z, it’s so well paced, it has such a drive and such comedic timing. It’s funny along the way the whole time, effortlessly. But then I think what really surprised me was I was struck by was how well it flowed, but also how (Gunn) was able to create these little bubbles, these little moments of emotional depth and visual and emotional poetry. And I felt like it really transcended the genre, and it became something bigger.

And then it’s also very silly, and ridiculous in many ways and super violent. Just gory almost at times. And it has shocking moments, but they are very comedic. At the end of the movie, it’s completely normal seeing this giant shark just standing gnawing on a person’s head, and some of the people just having a conversation next to it… When you’re one hour and 50 minutes into ‘Suicide Squad,’ that’s going to feel completely normal. It’s so irreverent.

What a description! We can’t wait to see for ourselves if the film lives up to Kinnaman’s statements.

Do you think Kinnaman is being overly optimistic about the film or do you think it’ll live up to the hype? Drop us a comment below!

The Suicide Squad will debut in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6, 2021.

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