‘Batwoman’ Cast Talks Black Mask and the Return of Kate Kane

The cast of Batwoman has discussed the next big bad of the series, Black Mask, as well as Kate Kane’s disappearance, and return.

During the WonderCon@Home Panel, the entire main cast and the showrunner were interviewed. The panel  featured actors Javicia Leslie, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kong, Camrus Johnson, and showrunner Caroline Dries.

Dries went on in detail about Kate’s return to the series, along with what actually happened to her.

There’s this tragic irony happening, where our characters have been looking for Kate, looking for Kate, looking for Kate desperately, and now they believe she’s dead. As [the supporting characters] are moving on with their lives, the audience is privy to this huge piece of information that Kate’s actually alive. So moving forward, Kate is in for a bumpy road. That’s all I’ll tease. Our characters, of course, are eventually going to be looped into this huge piece of news. But it’s pure drama from here on out, and it’s going to affect every character directly, just the way her disappearance affected every character differently.

Viewers know that Kate was in a plane accident which left her hospitalized, and incapacitated. Wallis Day will play Kate, moving forward.

Enter Black Mask

The panel also discussed Black Mask becoming the season’s big bad. Dries also discussed what to expect from him.

We teased Black Mask early on in this season, and then we slowly revealed that he’s the one who’s sort of in charge of the False Face Society who have been peddling and manufacturing this super lethal drug called ‘Snake Bite’. Ryan’s affiliation with False Face is that Angelique is now helping manufacture and sell this drug. It puts Batwoman in a really precarious position because here’s her friend, her anchor, her soul mate, and here’s the villain of Gotham, and how does she ease her friend out of this horrific situation? She becomes sort of enemy #1 for Black Mask.

Actor Peter Outerbridge is set to play the villain.

For the whole panel, check out the video below:


New episodes of Batwoman continue to air on The CW on Sundays.

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Source: Superherohype.com

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