Review: Teen Titans #26

“House Of The Rising Son”

Writer: Adam Glass
Artist: Bernard Chang
Color Artist: Marcelo Maiolo
Letterer: Rob Leigh

Wow! I was blown away by this issue! As a new reader of Teen Titans, I was initially concerned that I would struggle to relate to what was going on. I was wrong. Although there is obviously a much larger tale at play, any Bat fan can pick this up and just love it for what it is. As you’ll see from the brilliant cover, we have “Batcave Break In.”

It’s Bat HQ, I could leave it at that and it would be enough of a positive. The whole team nail the look and the feel of the cave, and how the teens react to it even more-so. Its exactly as you’d believe a teenager would act; awe, wonder, amazement and, of course, respect. It made me feel like a kid again! You’ve got the Batmobiles, The giant penny, the dinosaur… and that’s in the first few pages!

Alfred! This guy is a bad ass, his involvement in this is a joy to read. I won’t go into too much detail, as you need to experience this moment for yourselves. His wisdom and ability to pass on advice are utilised perfectly. My only complaint about this issue is that there weren’t enough pages! I cant find any faults other than my need to indulge my love for Batman more!


It’s a brilliant read, the art is gorgeous and the colors align beautifully. As a new reader I can’t wait to read more. As a batman fan, thank you for making me feel excited again! I am looking forward to seeing how the creative team guide the repercussions of this issue and the implications this will have on the Teen Titans.

Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment

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