Review: Red Hood – Outlaw #28


Writer: Scott Lobdell

Artists: Pete Woods & Rex Lokus

Jason Todd has followed a trail leading to the cutest town in America. Appleton has all the makings of a place stuck in the 50’s. There’s a lot to say about a place that looks smiley on the outside, but where there’s no way of knowing how deep and dark the town really is. It’s truly a thing to be scared of. Sure Jason Todd is on the run for (nearly) killing The Penguin, but he is still poking at the strange criminal underbelly.

It’s true that anti-heroes are on the rise. Yes Jason Todd is doing the right thing by investigating “Underlife.” Intervening is the right thing, but he’s very inclined to beat up Stepfords to do it. The issue is full of intense action, but I’ll admit that it doesn’t contribute much to the on-going storyline. Comics run as a series; they’ve got to keep us coming back for more; Jason Todd whaling on village bumpkins is very delicious.

Familiar Faces

This issue treats readers with a many connections to the bigger Bat family. I won’t say who, it’ll be a tasty surprise. Lobdell made a number of great jokes throughout the issue about the whole matter. Yes Scott, we know what a side plot is. It’s funny to see an old-school sidebar in a current comic.

After fighting the people of Appleton, Red Hood finds himself at the mercy of something strange, then aided by someone unexpected. Great choices by Lobdell. By making the encounters jump around in time, the writer leaves us just as disorientated as Red Hood. The terrific art by Pete Woods and Rex Lokus helps with that immensely.


With the new/old ally, I feel that Jason is better equipped than ever for dealing with the “Underlife.” As long as the dynamic artwork and quick action draws us in again.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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