Review: Walmart Justice League #4

“Come Back To Me” Part Two “The Triangle”

Writers: Amanda Connor & Jimmy Palmiotti

Artists: Chad Hardin & Alex Sinclair

Issue 4 of the great Walmart 100 page Justice League Giant continues a brand new Wonder Woman adventure. Last time Diana saved the citizens and critters of a local town from a forest fire. When she got back home Etta broke the news that Steve Trevor had gone missing. That’s where part two of “Come Back To Me” begins. Has the Bermuda Triangle claimed another victim?

I’ve said this countless times before, but comics fans outside the U.S. really are missing out. As U.K. correspondent for Dark Knight News, and one of three writers based in England, I’m sad that we may never get the chance to own physical copies of wonderful 100 page giants. We don’t have Walmart stores over here. (Grumble, gripe, moan and groan).

Thankfully our roles as writers for this most wondrous of websites means that we get lovely free digital copies of these awesome art pieces to read and review. In the case of the Walmart giants though, we only get the new story from these issues, and not the lovely classic reprints. Oh, well… something’s better than nothing, I guess.

Bermuda Triangle, It makes Trevor Disappear…

These stories are so much fun. The writers and artists that DC have picked to create these tales is nothing short of inspired. I really miss being able to walk into a supermarket or – what we in the U.K. call newsagents – to pick up new comics every month. As a child we didn’t have specialist comic-book stores, so one of the highlights of going shopping with my parents was that chance of possibly being able to pick up a new comic. I sincerely hope that these Walmart specials bring a whole new generation of comics readers into the fold.

Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner – the writers that gave us some of the greatest Harley Quinn stories ever – and artist Chad Hardin have given us 12 pages of pure joy. Amazon action, roaring jet engines, thrills, spills and surprises a-plenty. We even find out what’s bigger than a shark!

As a grown man I found this story charming, so I know that kids will just lap it up. Hardin’s crisp clean art, married with the glorious technicolor splendor provided by the always excellent Alex Sinclair, make this story eye candy of the highest order. Comics do not have to always be multi-layered tales of the human condition and the ups and downs of life. Every now and then all I crave is nuclear powered jets, super punches and giant monsters. This issue delivers all of the above… and more.


I haven’t read all 100 pages of this monster comic, just a dozen, but if those 12 pages are any indication as to the quality of the rest of this book, then I need to look into adopting an American family to save these treasures for me every month. That last page alone, along with how Diana deals with a really big fish, make this comic worth the price of admission.

Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment

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