Christmas In The Batcave

This Christmas when the ceremonies are done and you feel the need to retreat to your own personal Batcave, why not keep the spirit alive and continue the festivities while still getting your Batman fix.

When thinking of Christmas most people might not think of Batman, and, to be fair, upon first look, you wouldn’t think of the two pairing well together. But if you really stop and think about it, you might realize how fitting the setting is for The Caped Crusader.

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells…

Christmas is a time for hope, for faith, and for family, and though it’s true that Bruce lost his parents, it is that very love for family that drives him to be, yes, a symbol of hope for Gothamites to have faith in. But simple correlations aside, it is the setting that truly evokes The Dark Knight.  Christmas time brings longer winter nights, and beautiful, yet hauntingly melancholic, music that fits with Batman so well. In fact, I have a challenge you. Stop and think about the weather, and temperature in general, when it comes to Batman. I can almost guarantee that when you read, watch, or even play your favorite Batman things, you get a sense that Gotham City is always cold.

But I am far from being the first to make this connection, and, true to most things, so many have done it much better than I ever could. so it is with that in mind that, this Christmas, I invite you to make it Batman themed and do just these things: read, watch and/or play.


My Choice: Batman Noel 
This graphic novel, by acclaimed artist Lee Bermejo, is a Bat-take on A Christmas Carol and is a very interesting interpretation, one worthy of annual visits.  It is a bit odd to read since the art takes priority over the text, but this by no means detracts from the Holiday spirit.

Alternate Suggestions: Detective Comics #826 – Slayride, The Long Halloween
Slayride finds Robin trapped in a car with the Joker, who decides to go on a Christmas killing spree.  An issue so exciting that it needs to mentioned even if Batman isn’t in it.

The Long Halloween is an amazing tale spanning all holidays over the course of one year, and has an entire chapter devoted to Christmas.


My Choice: BTB&TB: Invasion of the Secret Santas!

If someone told me an episode of Batman: The Brave and The Bold would be part of my Christmas celebration, I would have laughed hard at them.  But while its true that Invasion of the Secret Santas! certainly has that more light-hearted look and feel that BTB&TB is known for, this episode is quite charming and has very touching moments that I never expected this series to even go near.

Alternate Suggestions: BTAS: Christmas with the Joker, BTAS: Holiday Knights, Batman Returns 

Little needs to be said when it comes to The Animated Series and Christmas with The Joker is prime example of why the show is so adored by fans both young and old.

Holiday Knights isn’t TAS’ strongest episode, but  it is a fun one that contains a couple of short stories that take place right around the holidays.

Batman Returns, in my opinion, is a little harder to watch in this post-Nolan world but if nothing else, you can fire it up along with Kevin Smith’s commentary track and have some laughs.
Commentary Track here: Fatman on Batman


My Choice: Batman: Arkham Origins

While Arkham Origins has received mixed reviews, it is by no means a bad game.  The story in particular is great and with it taking place on Christmas Eve, what better way to feel like Batman than hearing Alfred wish you a Merry Christmas.  Also, play with the Noel suit for added Christmas feeling.

Alternate Suggestions: Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City
Both Asylum and City are really strong games that deserve a look or even a revisit.

*Bonus* Listen

Batman: Arkham Origins OST
If playing the Arkham games isn’t your thing, at least do yourself a favor and listen to the Origins soundtrack.  The tracks are all great, but a special shout out goes to the ones that reinterpret classic Christmas tunes.  You have to listen to Carol of The Bells (Joker’s Theme) back-to-back with Can’t You Just Play Along?, it is simply a must.

So there you have it esteemed bat-fans. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with these yule time suggestions. But these are just a few examples, so please, let us know what other themed favorites you have and from myself and the rest of the Dark Knight News staff, Merry Christmas!

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