DC Solicitations for December 2013: Batman vs. Luthor and Arkham Origins Villains

DC has released their full solicitations for December 2013 on Monday afternoon. Dark Knight News readers, I have collected all of the relevant Bat-related info for you.

  • The book that every bat fan picks up, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman. Their year-long Batman Zero Year (Batman #26) sees Gotham in ruins and the trio of Bats, Gordon and the Riddler working together.
  • Creative team changes: Everyone has been talking about JH Williams III and W. Haden Blackwell walking off Batwoman, with issue #26 being their last published issue (see this weeks DKN podcast for our take on it). Well, the change has happened earlier, as Marc Andreyko jumps on board as the new regular writer as of this month’s #26. With this change comes the start of a new chapter for Kate Kane. Detective Comics #26 has Aaron Lopresti (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight) on art, giving Jason Fabok some time off.
  • Forever Evil round-up: Forever Evil #4 has fan-favorite baddie, Deathstroke, hunting down the best hope to bring down the Crime Syndicate’s tyranny. Meanwhile, Luthor and Batman (who’s in the costume, folks?) duke it out at the center of death, deception and a bad guy civil war. Forever Evil: Arkham War #3, written by one of the best Bat-writer’s in years (Peter Tomasi), has the New 52 re-match of Bane vs. Killer Croc (as seen in Knightfall and Batman:The Animated Series) for control of Gotham. In Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3, the Flash’s rogues are dropped into the middle of the events of Arkham War.
  • The Batman of today…tomorrow? Howard Porter joins DeMatteis and Giffen in Justice League 3000 #1.
  • Batman/Superman #6 by Greg Pak and Brett Booth has the epicness of a Superman and Batman battle against the galactic terror, Mongul.
  • A new Harley Quinn series kicks off officially with issue #1. Written by recently wedded Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, the issue sees Harley looking for work in Coney Island. It looks like we won’t get a naked, suicidal Harley in this issue.
  • Earth 2 #18 features a new writer (Tom Taylor of Injustice) and features the new Batman of Earth 2 fighting to keep Darkseid from taking control of the planet. Who the heck is that Batman?
  • Nightwing # 26 has Dick Grayson entering the “final stages of life as he knows it.” Uh oh!
  • Batgirl #26 wraps up the “Batgirl Wanted” arc.
  • In Robin news: The last Robin, Damian, continues his “might not be in continuity” miniseries by Andy Kubert (I still miss the brat) in Damian: Son of Batman #3. Villains Month star Jackanapes and Professor Pyg try to take out the new Batman before he faces a certain clown.
  • Other Bat Books out this month: Batman and Two-Face #26, Batman:The Dark Knight #26, Talon #14, Batman: Arkham Unhinged #21, Batman Beyond Universe #5, Batman ’66 #6, Batman Black and White #4, Catwoman #26, Birds of Prey #26, Legends of the Dark Knight 100-Page Super-Spectacular #1, Batman: Li’l Gotham #9 and Beware the Batman #3.
  • Trade Paperback and hardcover collectors have a quite a few Bat collections to add to their library in: Batman: Batman and Son TP (New Edition), Batwing Volume 3: Enemy of the State TP, Batman: The Dark Knight Volume 2: Cycle of Violence TP, Batman: Arkham Unhinged Volume 2, Batman ’66: The TV Stories and Superman/Batman Absolute Edition Volume 2 HC.
  • In terms of DC Collectibles (formerly DC Direct) you have a killer set (pun indented) of 6.75″ Arkham Origins action figures. The set includes Deadshot, Deathstroke, Firefly and Anarky. Another set of blind boxed Scribblenauts Unmasked figures feature characters from the Batman family (Batman (first appearance), Bane and a Gold Batman) is available. Batman: Black and White statue series adds Batman from the Earth: One graphic novel, based on the art of Gary Frank.
  • Batman is also in DC Universe vs. Masters of the Universe #4 and Injustice: Gods Among Us #12.

December 2013 is gonna be pricey for us Batman enthusiasts. Time to start adding them to your Christmas/Hanukah/Holiday lists.

Source: Comic Book Resources

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