Bale Ready To Pass The Cowl

The probability was very high. Firstly, Christian Bale commented that he will not be involved in another Batman movie unless Christopher Nolan decided to go for it. However, Nolan said that this isn’t happening. Secondly, David Goyer (screenwriter: The Dark Knight and Man of Steel) said that the Justice League’s Batman would have to be a rebooted one.

Now Bale confirmed the issue and hopefully all speculation will end.

He called Entertainment Weekly in order to promote his new film Out of the Surface (opening 27th November) and elaborated on the pending issue of another potential Batman role.

“Chris always said he wanted to make it one film at a time. And we ended up sitting there looking at each other, saying ‘we’re about to make the third.’ We never really knew if we were going to get to be there, but if that was how it was going to be, this was where it should end as well.” (Christian Bale)

Bale said that he has not been involved in any talks what so ever regarding a potential Justice League movie. However, he is not sad to hand in the mantle and the role, which he has been involved with for seven years (2005-2012).

“It’s a torch that should be handed from one actor to another. So I enjoy looking forward to what somebody else will come up with.” (Christian Bale)


On a personal note (and I’m sure I’m speaking on behalf of most Batman and Movie fans in general) I would like to thank you Mr. Bale, for providing us (along with Nolan and whoever was involved) three absolutely great Batman movies. Good luck for your future projects!


And you Dark Knight News followers, who would you prefer to take on the mantle of the Bat? Now it’s the real time for such a discussion.

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