When Joker takes one of his jokes too far with Superman, what will Batman do to come between the two? Click the jump to see the review on Injustice: Gods Among Us #4.
PLOT: Superman faces his greatest loss and his most challenging moral decision ever. Everything is about to pivot on the choice he makes; it could change the course of the world–and the lives of all the super heroes–forever.
REACTION:When the Boy Scout (Superman) becomes darker than Batman, whom can we really call on as The Dark Knight? If you haven’t been keeping up with Injustice: Gods Among Us comic book title, you really should. As a digital format, it gives you ten pages of pure straight story which is a weekly Batman fix for fans. However, if you’re a hard copy lover then you get 30-40 pages worth of story in one shot. Pick your fixes, it’s all good! Tom Taylor (writer of Injustice) gives you a jaw dropping scene at the end of each issue. However, Issue #4 has to be the most epic by far at this point! The fact that Injustice is such an open field of creative freedom. Taylor can do what he wants with the characters without paying attention to The New 52’s continuity, which is a blessing! You can really see Taylor flexing his creativity with these iconic characters and giving them recognizable voices for old fans to appreciate.
PRAISES: Congratulations to Tom Taylor for giving Joker an appropriate voice that is recognizable and chillingly creepy. The analogy Taylor uses for Joker’s reasons in this issue was superb as Joker describes how he brought Superman down. “It was easy like beating a puppy with a kitten.” It was totally eerie! As for Batman, Taylor has experience in writing Batman so he’s playing up to his strengths in this issue. However, his deconstruction of Superman is quite dead on. If you strip away the Boy Scout in Superman, you just have a god with powers to stop all the evil in the world. Taylor shows a lot of creativity in Superman the most, due his love for the character. He showcases Superman as being the most powerful hero of the League and Taylor shows it off by Superman taking away Green Lantern’s ring. The scene between Green Lantern and Superman is very suspenseful and let’s you have a new found respect for Superman.
DISAPPOINTMENTS: I personally don’t like the art style, the way Joker looks in Injustice is average and he doesn’t stick out. Also some strange chagnes or mistakes, like seriously who messes up the hair color for Green Lantern. As you can see in this issue, his hair is black instead of the usual brown. Shouldn’t Batman have brought Joker to Arkham Asylum instead of Gotham Prison? A couple of inconsistencies in this issue at the moment. But you know what’s so funny, Injustice can get away with it because it’s in its own little universe. HAHAHAHAHA! INJUSTICE!
Rating: 10/10, COOL MUST READ!
Check out some of the panels that I thought were cool.
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