Father Lost is doing the voodoo on Batwing and no technological armor can save him from the voodoo! Batwing #15 preview, click the jump to see more.

PLOT: Batwing and Dawn battle Father Lost in the streets of Tinasha! Father Lost’s new powers are proving too much for Batwing and his new ally…time for a last ditch effort that might just get them both killed!

Well, well, well look what we have here. A new writer, a new artist, but it seems that the story is still the same with a little twist. There are no more scripts by Judd Winick and now Batwing #15 will be taken over by FABIAN NICIEZA and the art will be done by FABRIZIO FIORENTINO. I hope Marcus To (artist of Batwing) either is doing another comic book where his talents may soar. If you don’t know who Fabian Nicieza is, he is the former writer of Red Robin which was pre-New52’s. It was a good book that told the story of Tim Drake who went out looking for Batman after Batman R.I.P. It lasted for 26 issues, which is amazing! Now, Nicieza is back to take up Batwing to either sink it or float it. I’m hoping he floats this comic book title because it needs help before the new year and well…Nicieza did a good thing and killed off Dawn. In my opinion, she served no purpose and this title is called Batwing so why am I learning more about her in the first place.

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Source- Mancave 



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