For the longest time, I’ve always wanted DC Comics to mix their comics with manga influenced art designs. I guess I got my wish. Ame-Comi Girlswere released in May 2012 with Wonder Woman and has continued its digital series that will be coming as a print soon. Writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray say a few words about the series:
Jimmy Palmiotti (JP): The Ame-Comi line of stories is for everyone. Cos-play people, die-hard DC
fans and anyone who loves a weekly blast of superhero madness. I just did two major shows and the feedback has come from male and female alike, so the reception is a good one and a diverse one. We have also fond that fans of our work are giving it a shot and liking it, even though they had some pre-existing ideas of what it was.
Justin Gray (JG): We’re not holding anything back, you’re going to get big superhero stories with the introduction of dozens of familiar characters unencumbered by the laws of the established line. There’s an open door to these characters for any age and yet it isn’t a “kiddie” book. In fact we’re taking an old school approach that anyone who loves superhero fiction should be able to enjoy these stories. We truly want people to feel a sense of joy and adventure in following these characters.
I’ve already read Ame-Comi Girls: Batgirl, which to me had one dimensional story telling and it kinda bored me to tears. However, I was ever so excited about the semi-manga style the series tried to convey. I loved the new costume styles of the characters portrayed in the Ame-Comi Girls. Those designs had a fresh new take, but some of the costumes were a bit over sexualized for the villains such as Catwoman’s costume. I didn’t mind Catwoman’s costume, but I knew why her costume was drawn that way. Marketing purposes and the fact that there is a higher percentage of guys reading the comics.
Anyway, what has really gotten people reading Ame-Comi Girls is Duela Dent who has a fantastic costume and has already blown up the scene as a cool female villain. Here’s what they have to say about her:
JP: We would love to get someone like Duela and spend some time with her in any format, so we shall see how the print versions do and go from there. We have some ideas how to cross over everything we do…and always plan ahead.
Duela Dent is a very popular and people are raving about her. Hopefully, Duela will be able to make her way into the DC Universe some time soon. Until then, you’ll have to love her from the digital universe in the Ame-Comi Girls series. To read more of this interview please click the source for MTV Geek down below. If you want to start purchasing Ame-Comi Girls, you can go to the source below on DC Comics and be redirected to the site of purchase.
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