Rob Liefeld Vs Scott Snyder

Over at Bleeding Cool they covered this crazy story on Rob Liefeld Vs Scott Snyder . Earlier this week the writer of “Deathstroke”, “Grifter” and “Savage Hawkman” Rob Liefeld spoke out on Twitter that he was leaving DC Comics in September after zero issues had come out . He goes into detail on his own reasons for wanting to leaving here . Scott Snyder contacted Liefeld via private messages on Twitter and battled it out with him , which Rob posted part of it .

Rob Liefeld: It’s not you. It never has been. It’s Batman.

Scott Snyder: I can assure you batman doesn’t sell the way it does because it’s Batman. It sells that way because of me and Greg (Capullo).

Scott Snyder

Rob Liefeld: Get over yourself you pretentious prick @Ssnyder1835

Rob Liefeld: Been berated in DM’s by @Ssnyder1835 this morning. Excuse me if I don’t marvel at your amazing abilities to write Batman. Piss off.

Rob Liefeld: I’d like to think that if your going to wave your ego around on Batman you’d remember all that came before you. Holeee crap

Rob Liefeld: Average Batman book sells 80k. ‘Nuff said.

Scott Snyder: Nice! Your Twitter feeds the best thing you’ve written all year 🙂

Rob Liefeld: Of course, because its not edited

Scott Snyder: Aw, I’ll give you credit Rob! 🙂 Batman might sell inspite of me and @GregCapullo as u say, but deathstroke & Hawkman failed because of you!

Scott Snyder: Credit where it’s due, brother 🙂 and that’s all I’ll say on that. Ah, comics.

Rob Liefeld: my sales went up on those books @Ssnyder1835 sorry bud.

Scott Snyder: Lol. And you can put that in your pouch and keep it for later 🙂

Rob Liefeld

Rob Liefeld: one word, HAUNT. 2 words SWAMP THING – not all creations equal

Rob Liefeld: Batman is the number one selling character in the history of the biz. Period. End of story. Will endure beyond creator careers

For the whole story and images check out the source .
Source – Bleeding Cool
– Adam

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