Review: Titans #17

“Stitches in Time” – Part Two
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Pete Woods
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by James Attias

Titans #17 shows us that the events of Absolute Power have some severe consequences, and only Time can tell us how bad they are! Let’s Clock in…

Go Time Titans!

This issue starts exactly when the last issue ended. I’ll be making a fair few clock and time puns throughout this review. So if you’re not up for that, then you best go sit in a time out. We now know that Clock King who we last saw in Absolute Power tie in Suicide Squad: Dream Team, has been given some sort of temporal power (I think?) when all of the Amazo’s were destroyed. In terms of the character I would call this convenient writing, like what would Clock King have done if he were given the ability to breathe in space?! But still I won’t let that get in the way of yet another fun story. So the first few pages tick away all of the exposition, and the rest of the book is little hands meeting big hands; good vs bad.

Clock King has decided to use his new powers to commandeer the Titans memories, to learn their weaknesses, their secrets, every juicy little detail he might be able to use against him and all of the heroes that it would affect. He intends to do this by sneaking through their memories, manipulating them for his purpose as he goes. At first I thought this plan felt a little Saturday morning cartoon, but by the end of the issue I could see it was to set up something grander. So stay tuned, friends. This is only just ticking off.


Blast from The Past

The art and the writing were both great again in this issue. I love superheroes looking like superheroes, with bright colors and beautiful spreads, makes reading these books just that little bit more fun. The writing wasn’t going to be the next Kingdom Come, (what did you expect? It’s a Clock King story?!) But it’s clear from the ending that bigger things are to come.


Titans #17 is a fun second part to this new story, and it’s about time the Titans got the respect they’ve earned!

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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