Dr. Arkham got played by Roman Sionis who doped Arkham up with drugs making him believe that Sionis was still at Arkham Asylum. So, basically Black Mask is out and he’s got a grudge with Batman for one. This will be one of Tony Daniel’s last write ups for Detective Comics before he says “sayonara” to Batman. I love how DC premieres new artists in the comic annuals to test out if these new artists are worthy of designing a major league comics. Romano Molenaar is a new artist for DC who will be doing the art for Birds of Prey from Issue #13 to Issue #14. If he’s successful with Detective Comics Annual #1 , then he might get more issues in Birds of Prey. That sounds like a good deal to me.

Here’s the preview of Detective Comics Annual #1. Enjoy!  Comment down below, DKN Facebook, or DKNewsCom.

Source- Newsarama 

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