BATMAN YEAR ONE Artist Upset over Reprint


In a recent interview with ‘The Comics Journal‘, Artist  shared his thoughts about the upcoming ‘BATMAN: Year One’ reprint. Here is what he had to say:


“DC just sent me this book last week, and I really hope people don’t buy it. I didn’t even know they were making it, and I don’t understand why they thought it was necessary —  several years ago, DC asked me if I’d help put together a deluxe edition of Batman: Year One, and Dale Crain and I worked for months to try to make a definitive version. Now whoever’s in charge has thrown all that work in the garbage. First, they redesigned the cover, and recolored my artwork — probably to look more like their little DVD that came out last year; second, they printed the book on shiny paper, which was never a part of the original design, all the way back to the first hardcover in 1988; third — and worst — they printed the color from corrupted, out-of-focus digital files, completely obscuring all of Richmond’s hand-painted work. Anybody who’s already paid for this should send it back to DC and demand a refund.


David has also written Emails to DC about their little stunt, but has yet to hear from them. Somehow I feel this is not the last time we will hear about this.



So what are your thoughts? Comment below.





The Comics Journal


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