
Dark Knight News Opinion Articles! Straight from the brains of the DKN staff.

Celebrating Bill Finger: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman

This year, marks 75 years of Batman, but today, February 8th 2014, would have been the 100th birthday of the man who shaped the majority of the first 25 years of Batman lore. Bill Finger, the oft-forgot writer of not only the first issue of Batman, but also the first appearance of The Joker, The Riddler, Catwoman, Scarecrow and Calendar Ma, has been dead for almost 40 years, and still so rarely recognized for his immense contributions to the Bat-mythos. Finger wrote over 1000 issues of both Batman and Detective Comics over his 25 year run with National Comics (which would later re-brand as DC) most notably of all Detective Comics #27.

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Batman and Gordon Celebrate New Years…

It seems that even Batman celebrates the start of a New Year, even if that entails slurping a simple and quick cup of coffee with a good friend, followed by a predictably stealthy exit. Additionally, Gordon seems to have a predilection for particular cheese-steak sandwiches, regardless of whether or not it is 1:54 A.M.

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