Cam’s Review of The Dark Knight Rises

by AdamPrince
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Hey Guy’s Cam here,

This is going to be my reflection on The Dark Knight Rises There are no spoilers in this review.

I just want to say right now,  this movie makes the whole trilogy special. From beginning to end, this film had me gripped by the awesome action scenes. The movie reflects on the comics a lot, with “No Mans Land” coming to mind straight away, and in some scenes there are some references to the Knightfall Series and The Dark Knight Returns. I also think that Nolan brings some of the old Batman  Movies back, especially in a scene with motorbikes  which is very Batman Returns. The movie has Batman/Bruce Wayne played by Christian Bale, Selina Kyle/Catwoman played by Anne Hathaway, Bane played by Tom Hardy and one of my favourite characters are Alfred, played by Sir Micheal Caine. Lucius Fox is again played by Morgan Freeman, Police Officer John Blake played by Joseph Gordon Levitt and Miranda Tate is brought to life by Marion Cotillard. A big pro for the movie is that there are characters back from the old films (but I won’t say who),  and the acting is amazing. This is Academy Award material. The con of the movie is Bane’s voice.  I still can’t understand why they have manipulated his voice for this movie. The first version of it sounded weird, but I at least I got used to it over time.  The current manipulation of his voice is off putting and I do not like the sound. I’ve seen the movie twice (Saturday and Sunday) and  just let me say, get ready with a box of tissues. This movie was a giant tear jerker for me, and the rest of the audience in the cinema was breaking out in tears too. At the end of the Saturday session every one in the cinema stood up and clapped, yelling a chant of “Thank You Nolan”. This was a most emotional movie for me to watch, but it tops my list. I give this movie a 10/10.


I would also like to mention the victims of the shootings in Aurora. I hope that everyone knows although Australia is a long way away, we are thinking of you, feeling your pain and hoping that you can find some peace soon. Take care, Cam.

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