Review: Batman and Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2

by Kendra Smart
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“A Long Winter’s Nap”
Writer: Jeff Parker
Artists: Michele Bandini and Trevor Hairsine
Color Artist: Alex Sinclair
Letterer: Pat Brosseau 
Review by Kendra Smart

The opening page sets the stage for what is to come in Batman and Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2.  When last we left our merry troupe the villain of this story had made themselves known. Krampus is coming for Nick and he has taken Zatanna out of the fray. Batman, Robin, Barbara, and Dick can do naught but watch as Klaus tries to undo what has been done.

We get another amazing cover by Dan Mora featuring Klaus and Batman standing at the ready as Krampus looms over them, but what we are here for is what’s inside this book, so let’s dive in.

Where Are You Christmas?

Krampus has made himself known, and Klaus takes Zatanna into his care. He leaves behind a gift for Batman who’s mobilizing himself. Meanwhile, we get to learn more about the villain as he delights in the fear he has wreaked, although there’s more between the surface as he debates with the voices haunting him. There’s a drive behind their words and they’re following the path to freedom, however, that road might wind.

Bruce opens the box left by Klaus and we get some lovely backstory into Santa, his nemesis, and their history. Originally they worked together to change the minds of the wicked towards the path of goodness, but the lack of fear drove Krampus wild and illogical in mind.

Why Can’t I Find You?

Issue one of this series was a solid offering for readers to sink their teeth into and this chapter amps the story up, as the artwork and writing come together to provide holiday excellence. Between that, we have the arrival of Superman with the pure joy of Bruce not telling Clark he knows Santa Claus… priceless. Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Trevor Hairsine, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau spark joy on each page. Each part from the detailed art to the scroll backing to the script lettering, it all works together to bring us an amazing tale of wonder.


Batman and Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2 is one of the best follow-ups I’ve read in a while. It hits all the spots for joy and even gives us rare glimpses into the backgrounds of favorite characters. ‘Tis the season and I will patiently await the next issue!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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