Review: Absolute Power #4

by James Attias
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Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Dan Mora
Color Artist: Alejandro Sànchez
Letterer: Ariana Maher
Review by James Attias

Absolute Power #4 brings us to the conclusion of this series, this current era of DC Comics and into the future!

The Past. The Present. The Dream

Wow what a journey this series has been. I know it has only been a 4 issue event. But it has been building for a couple of years now. I don’t want to give too much away, but what I can say is: I really enjoyed this book, and this event. Usually when a team of superheroes loses their powers, it’s so that a TV network can save money on special effects. But this time around I really felt the grind. The pain that our heroes went through. It was wonderful to see the powerless heroes rise up to the occasion, and the heroes who lost their abilities, proving that it’s the person who makes the hero. Not the powers.

The Future is Coming…

An absolute highlight to this event has been the outstanding art of Dan Mora, he’s one of my absolute favorites at the moment, well I say at the moment, the last 4 years. Phenomenal artist, who never fails to deliver an absolute delight on every page. The writing of this event and finishing any event is always going to be a lot to live up to. Having an ending that pleases everyone is always going to be tough. I can’t say much, but Waid delivers as best he possibly can. Without all the Justice League, all the Avengers, the X-men, the cast of The Office and a cameo from Taylor Swift… It was always going to be a tall order to meet everyone’s expectations. So there may have been a little exhale from myself in disappointment at the end of the issue. But I soon got over it. In Comics.. It’s never the end.


Absolute Power #4 is the end of one thread, and the start of the next. Read DC’s All in #1 on Sale now for the next chapter! Reviewed by yours truly here on Dark Knight News!


Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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