Review: Batman and Robin #13

“I AM…”
Writer: Joshua Williamson
: Juan Ferreyra
Letterer: Steve Wands
Review by James Attias

Batman and Robin #13 is a heartwarming tale of father and son, with Dinosaurs, villains, Cults and Steroids! WOOOOO!


This story has really warmed my heart, watching Damian grow from the annoying, aggressive assassin brat he was when he debuted all those years ago, into the calm, empathetic, young hero he is now has been a triumph. I have really enjoyed Williamson’s writing of the Boy Wonder, he may have now written more Damian then any other author over numerous solo runs, events and mini-series, so he knows the character so well.

This issue continues right where we left off at the end of last issue with a giant Venomed up Robin is threatening to kill Bane for what he did to Alfred all those years ago. Seeing a giant muscle bound, fury Damian did worry me a bit, as this story has been so well written and so grounded (for a superhero book with dinosaurs) that I didn’t want it to slip into the nonsensical, but lucky for me it was written wonderfully!

Vengeance, Bane and What the Future Holds

This is the last book in this run from the current creative team, so it is with a tear in my eye that I bid them farewell. The writing and the art have been top tier. This issue also ties up and leaves a lot of loose ends, so keep your eyes peeled for characters and stories spinning out of this book across the rest of the DC titles, if I come across any I will mention and let you lot know in future reviews of this title!


Batman and Robin #13 was a beautiful issue that pulled at my heartstrings whilst also making me smile. I hope all of us out there who have had issues with our fathers/father figures find the same healing that Damian and Bruce find… Until then, see you next issue, same Bat-Site, Same Bat-Reviewer.

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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