Review: The Boy Wonder #5

“The Boy Wonder” – Book Five
Writer and Artist: Juni Ba
Color Artist: Chris O’Halloran
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar

The Boy Wonder 5 brings this definitive, informative, heart felt story to exactly the satisfying conclusion it deserves. We get to see the tale of Damian Wayne becoming Robin, overcoming the strife and struggles of growing up under the gaze of the Demon, and solving the mystery of the strange Rok monster all in one clean swoop. While put out with the same easy going and charming style of Juni Ba.

In the last issue, we saw our heroes convene to one of my favorite antagonists in all DC. It’d have to be Ra’s in the context of an early in continuity Damian, but seeing the sword clash between the Demon and the Bat family never gets old to me. The action is made to look sweeping and daring with the big panels and high speed movement.

Juni Ba has done wonders to make two very different moods resonate really clearly by making them into double page spreads. The first being the dramatic entrance of a character who’s surprisingly been in this story very little. His influence on the story can’t be denied, but it shows just how strong the Bat Family is as an ensemble cast that this character could be easily omitted from the story. Can you guess who it is?

The other double page spread is rich and busy with detail, and shows Robin’s influence on the city since his arrival. What started out as an arrogant little boy, bent on bettering those he has been working with. Now instead he’s bringing measured and positive changes to Gotham City alongside his hero work.


The Boy Wonder 5 caps off the story I would easily consider to be the definitive origin story for Damian Wayne’s Robin. It brings a previously gritty character to an age friendly way, sincerely telling his story, framing his relationship to each other member of the Bat Family, and delighting the reader with the most unique and delicious artwork I’ve seen in so very long. I would gladly keep this in a prime spot in my collection now and forever.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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