Review: Batman: The Brave & The Bold #9

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #9
Writers: Tom King, Kyle Starks, Gabriel Hardman, Bruno Redondo
Artists: Mitch Gerards, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Wade Von Grawbadger, Gabriel Hardman and Brundo Redondo
Color Artists: Matt Herms, Matt Hollingsworth
Letterers: Clayton Cowles, Rob Leigh, Simon Bowland and Wes Abbot
Review by James Attias

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #9 brings all of the current ongoing stories to a close… but fear not! With every ending comes a new beginning.

The Winning Card – Part 4

After the last issue didn’t feature the final part of the Tom King and Mitch Gerads Joker story, Davydh (who usually reviews this series) has flown to the States to shout at Tom, in the meantime, you have me filling the void. *Sinister Laugh*

Since Tom King’s stellar run on Batman a few years back, and then the 12-issue Batman/Catwoman series, which was set later in Batman history, or on an Elseworld, it was nice to read what felt like a canonical Batman/Joker story. , set at the beginning.

As a person who’s probably read every Batman vs Joker story there is, I have to say the way this one shows how terrifying the Clown Prince of Crime can be, was wonderful… well horrifying, but great to read. The finale of this story is no exception. We get the final duel between the two men, both bloody, broken, and left asking the question, should Batman have “dealt” with The Joker at the beginning?

It goes without saying that the art in this story has been fantastic. King and Gerards are the Kiteman and Batman that every story needs. This is a Dynamic Duo to be reckoned with… Hell, Yeah!

Here Comes Trouble – Part 3

Wild Dog’s been a highlight in this title for the last 3 issues. This is a character who’s largely been left in obscurity, outside of a brief stint on the Arrow TV show, so it’s been great to see him welcomed back into mainstream comics, as the street-level hero we all needed.

The idea of a Wild Dog vs Gizmo story would usually be an idea met with a snicker or a snide comment, but the way this story has been written, and the way the character’s choice of costume/uniform has been a topic of contention, forcing him to change it, has been a blast!

I’ve loved seeing the rough life a street-level, non-billionaire vigilante would have. He’s known by the local public, and has armed himself by taking weapons from criminals and buying guns from stores and back alley connections. This story felt like the tragic comedy of what it would really like to be a part-time hero, seeing what he can actually do when there are innocent lives on the line.

I hope that Wild Dog shows up again soon in another book. Nothing too mainstream that would overshadow him, but enough to keep this interpretation of the character alive.

Communion – Part 3

If you told me, there would be a story with Aquaman, fighting the dominators and an army of scientific Gorillas from Gorilla City, I would have looked in the 80’s archives because that sounds nuts! Instead, thankfully, it’s here, today.

This has been a colorful tale about the King of the Seas; fighting alien invaders, trying to help everyone, and, at the same time, attempting to stop an army of angry Gorillas. Where’s that on the big screen, James Gunn? (I’m only joking Mr Gunn, I really do want a good cinematic DC universe, this wouldn’t sell… I TAKE IT BACK!)

This has been a fun journey that was enhanced by well-written obstacles and twists and, all in all, was a great read for fans of the Silver Age. The art was great, with vibrant colors, and shadowy depths. This finale gave us a  good ending to a wild ride. Let’s not forget that this story came about when a bottom feeder asked Aquaman for help. Comics! Anything can happen.

Nor Is The Batman

In the final short tale of this issue, We’re treated to a Bruno Redondo double threat. The wonderful artist, who’s been making Nightwing fantastic for the last few years has written and drawn a lovely black-and-white Batman tale.

This story is a wonderful example of Batman’s classic “I work alone” attitude, being called into question in his early days; before we had 5 Robins, 3 Batgirls, and a Justice League. Batman still didn’t “Work alone”, even then, and this story shows us the Caped Crusader’s escapades with the help of 3 of his oldest allies.

This story is a love letter to the characters who have made Batman who he is. Seeing classic Redondo art in black and white was interesting too, as we’re used to seeing his work doused in Adriano Lucas’ rainbows of awesomeness, over in Nightwing. This was a treat of a read to be honest, which is all too rare when artists take to writing. I loved it.


Batman: The Brave & The Bold #9 Brings all the running stories to a close, and doesn’t disappoint. The whole point of this title has been to take readers on an adventure, and I’ve enjoyed every minute!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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