Review: Justice Society of America #7

“Enemies and Friends” 
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Marco Santucci
Color Artist: Ivan Plascencia
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Review by Kendra Smart

Justice Society of America #7 is finally here. When last we left the team, they were making strides in helping most of the regained sidekicks or partners, heroes, make their way in the newer world. Helena’s still figuring out her place and role but knows where to start bringing her team back together.

A Reconstruction Of A Grundy

There is a lot going on as the issue opens. We start out in Los Angeles and meet a generational character, Michael Mayne, the Harlequin’s son. He’s started going after prey of his own and feels no remorse for his actions. Switching to Slaughter Swamp, Batman, Courtney, Huntress, and Green Lantern are with Khalid and Salem trying to subdue Solomon Grundy. Salem and the current Doctor Fate are still not getting along, while father and daughter bonding is going the exact wrong way as well.

When a wayward spell causes Grundy to burst into flames, tempers flare. Meanwhile, other members of the team are at Belle Reve talking to Icicle about joining the team, while Mid-Nite is in Ivy Town, talking with Jean Loring about Eclipso. Dr. Fate and Salem go on a soul-searching journey which lands Khalid in the middle of 31st century business. So much is happening and the team is spread thin… what could happen next?

31st Century Issues

It’s enough to make your head spin! The amount of characters is so wonderful and it really feels like groundwork’s being laid for some really key role parts to be played as this series moves forward. I loved all the new faces Geoff, Marco, and Ivan bring into being. Justice Society of America #7 is a very informational exploration into the history of the JSA, the artwork is superb, and seeing a Mikel Janín cover is always great. His ominous depiction of Courtney, Bats, Alan, and Huntress being preyed on by Grundy is magic.


Like I said previously, I really feel like Justice Society of America #7 lays a lot of groundwork for big moments to come. I really like the pace of the story and the small deviations that help amplify the main emotions and roles of the featured characters. I’m looking forward to the next issue!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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