Review: Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6

by Davydh Tidey
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Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6
Writers: Guillem March, Ed Brisson, Rob Williams, Sean Lewis
Artists: Guillem March, Jeff Spokes, Stefano Landini, Javier Fernandez
Color Artists: Arif Prianto, Jeff Spokes, Antonio Fabela
Letterers: Guillem March, Saida Temofonte, Simon Bowland, Carlos M. Mangual
Review by Davydh Tidey

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6 launches onto the shelves with more from both Stormwatch and Emilia Harcourt, along with brand-new stories from DC’s best and brightest! 

From amnesia to the theatre, there’s something in here for everyone!


Nurses do not point guns at people.”
– Batman

Being the Batman must be tricky. So many secrets, and so much deceit in everyday life, it has to be hard to reconcile everything in your head and keep it all straight. So, what happens when you can’t even remember any of it?

Writer Guillem March and color artist Arif Prianto aim to answer that very question, presenting us with a Bruce (or ‘Bryce’) Wayne who can’t remember his life or anything about being the Batman. 

It feels very much like this story’s designed to answer long-running questions about Batman. Many times over the course of the tale, ‘Bryce’ finds himself asking questions like “How can he afford all of this?” or “How did he balance this with a real life?”, and it all feels like a direct reference to the audience. These are legitimate questions and criticisms that fans of the character have shared over the decades, and it feels to me like March is going out of his way to address (and potentially answer) them. 

March does a great job reconciling the man Bruce could be with the man he is here. Take away the trauma of his parents, and the determination behind his mission, and Bruce has the chance to live a normal life. This story presents itself almost as a ‘What if?’, and I love the concept behind that. 

Arif Prianto’s color work behind March’s pencils really brings Gotham to life here, especially for the newly-anointed ‘Bryce’. We’re shown a much more hopeful version of Gotham City, somewhere a man could build a new life. That is if the old life will even let him go…

I guess we’ll find out! 


Dammit. I was looking forward to killing Batman.”
– Peacekeeper-01

Speaking of the past in the DC Universe, the real leader of Stormwatch has finally been revealed in the latest part of Ed Brisson and Jeff Spokes’ story, and you’ll not be surprised in the slightest to find out who’s pulling the strings. 

The team finally starts to get answers to their questions about their mission, and with Peacekeeper-01 back up and operational, they’re ready to move forward with clearer heads. Or are they? With the truth revealed, some of the them might not be comfortable working within these new parameters… 

The team that Brisson has put together for this new incarnation of Stormwatch is an eclectic one, and it’s absolutely no surprise they butt heads as much as they do. The dynamic between the members has always been a highlight for the Stormwatch entries into this anthology, and Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6 delivers some great character moments… with Peacekeeper-01, especially. Someone needs to keep an eye on him. 

Jeff Spokes continues giving us special treatment, delivering clean linework and bold colors as if they’re going out of fashion. Some of the facial expressions in this issue in particular are brilliant choices, and really convey the character’s… dark intentions. 

I’m still talking about Peacekeeper-01, by the way. I won’t stop until someone checks into that guy. 


Makes a woman want to make certain changes, y’know… grow as a person.”
– Emilia Harcourt

In the last issue, Harcourt found out who ordered her murder, and now she finally learns who pulled the trigger. Rob Williams, Stefano Landini, and Antonio Fabela continue Harcourt’s rampage against Waller’s enemies, all while gaining valuable intel, and yet another super-power along the way. 

Featuring a recap of Harcourt’s story and death, this issue delivers a strong look at what motivates this recently-returned-from-the-dead woman. She knows she’s been lied to, she knows what really happened to her, and I doubt she’ll stop until she’s had her revenge. 

Williams adds a few new little bits to the Harcourt lore and updates her in a brutal way. With the revelation of who put her in the ground (under orders, of course), she’s finally ready to put an end to this… and them. 

Landini and Fabela add a new visual element to the art in this installment, and what a gloriously irreverent element it is. Her new superpower may just be enough to turn some heads, should she start to use it nefariously. It’s all about revenge for her now, but what comes next, I wonder?


Enlighten me, Pint.”
– Bruce Wayne

Ah, the theatre. The magic of the live performers bringing stories to life right in front of your eyes. The bright lights have the power to mystify and show you worlds you only dreamed of. 

I’m sure this won’t be traumatic for Batman at all. No, sir. 

When an unknown actor by the name of Rupert Pint claims to know all of the Dark Knight’s secrets and will be displaying them for the world to see in a live theatre play, people flock to see the show. Why would they not? These people include a certain billionaire Bruce Wayne, who’s particularly keen to see what the actor has to say… 

What a great little story. Writer Sean Lewis does a great job building the atmosphere of the production, showing us the play through Bruce’s eyes, and the subsequent investigation through the Bat. A separation between the two is achieved, in the way it’s seen and interpreted and lends itself well to the story. 

Javier Fernandez builds the atmosphere even more with the art, giving moody darks and glaring brights. It’s not easy to achieve distinction in black and white, but it’s done to great effect here. 


Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6 continues its streak of great stories, there isn’t a miss among them. I’m particularly looking forward to seeing where March and Prianto’s story goes, having an amnesiac Batman is an intriguing concept. 

Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment

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