Review: Tales of the Titans #3

“The Truth Cuts Deep” 
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artists: Kath Lobo and Bob Quinn
Color Artist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Review by James Attias

Tales of the Titans #3 Is a love letter to Donna Troy. If you like this character you’ll love this issue, if you don’t like her then please read it anyway. You’ll like her by the time you’ve finished.

Let’s airdrop in…

All-Star Donna Troy

Donna Troy is right up there as possibly my favorite Amazon. This issue clears up something DC has been confused about over the last 40 years. A similar page was used in Grant Morrison’s All-Star Superman. Why waste time on an origin everyone already knows when you have an important story to tell?

Already off to a great start, we’re then taken to Donna in her natural habitat, being a photographer of the catwalk, and at Mari, Vixen, McCabe’s latest fashion show no less?! This was a fun way to show us that the heroes with money sometimes hire the ones who need jobs.

So, other than showing us how awesome Donna Troy is, what else happens in this book? Well, whilst working the runway with her camera, she’s notified of an heir to Baron Bedlam’s empire taking control of Markovia. What’s a superhero to do, but finish up the photo shoot, and go and free an entire country from an oppressive legacy Nazi with superpowers?

Photographer. Warrior. Freedom Fighter. Titan.

This issue is a wonderful addition to this run. We get some real hero moments from Donna, and the art is beautiful, and the writing’s perfect as well. We also get a couple of cameos and some explosive action. I really can’t praise this book enough. A treasured moment comes from a character dialogue mentioning the current status of Amazons in the US (as per the latest Wonder Woman run by Tom King). Seriously, this little issue 3 of a Titans character-building mini-series was fantastic.


Tales of the Titans #3 was great, so I hope that we get more of the same in the next issue and in the ongoing Titans series, which is also happily reviewed by yours truly.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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