‘Gotham Knights’ Cancelled

The CW cancelled the Gotham Knights television show after only one season.

Despite the fact that Gotham Knights earned decent ratings the network passed on a season 2. This is due to CW undergoing new ownership changes and being in cost-saving mode. Even surviving shows like Superman and Lois will have their budgets reduced in their newest season.

To put salt on wounds, the showrunners James Stoteraux and Chad Fiveash confirmed that they shopped around other networks in hopes that someone else was interested in a season 2. Unfortunately, their efforts have yielded no offers.

Stoteraux and Fiveash responded to the cancellation news on Twitter. They tweeted a very long message about how the show was not picked up due to budget-tightening and not lack of enthusiasm on the fans or executives’ parts.


Harvey Dent actor Misha Collins also chimed in his disappointment in the show ending.


Definitely can’t blame the dude. He did not even get to complete his villain arc and turn into Two-Face. That must be a real bummer.

Gotham Knights will stream on Max starting July 28.

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