Review: Multiversity: Harley Screws Up The DCU #4

“Multiversity: Harley Screws Up The DCU” – Part Four
Writer: Frank Tieri
Artist: Logan Faerber
Letterer: Ferran Delgado
Review by Kendra Smart

Multiversity: Harley Screws Up The DCU #4 brings in more hilarious and preposterous situations. Harley’s gotten herself in some messes to fix what she inadvertently broke.

So far we’ve seen her attempts to fix major origin stories and succeed without too many adverse reactions taking place, but there’s still much work left to do to fix the chaos and defeat Starro. The interstellar conqueror is ready to jump a few steps ahead to keep Harley from succeeding.

Let’s make a quick stop for the exquisite and smile-inducing covers that we get for this issue. I keep talking to my colleagues about the extravagant and decadent covers we keep getting and this month’s honestly speak for themselves, because they draw the eye so strongly. Aquaman in a fish bowl playing Harley’s pet, a Norman Rockwell-esque gorgeous shot of Harley cosplaying as Wonder Woman, complete with padded corset, with all of her pet friends trying to unravel the golden lasso, and lastly Ms. Quinn with Bud and Lou doing their best to take down Starro. All of these covers are full of magic.

Themyscira, I Am In You

In her endeavor to put things right, Harley’s found herself stepping into Wonder Woman’s origin story… quite literally. In order to stop Starro and bring the heroes back into play, Harley has to right the wrongs she created. After finding out that her actions have led to a world with no Princess Diana and Starro gaining an army by striking at the Amazons, this is a vital point to make things right again. As the Harleys face off against the Amazons, they have a viewing audience in the form of Starro’s Suicide Squad.

As a battle ensues, the Harleys use the confusion in their best interest and escape, although they both know that while Harley can’t be outright killed by Starro, there are still ways that he can change the past too. Whether Harley will be able to fix the heroes remains to be seen. With so much on the line surely it is time for all things hidden to come to light right?

How I Met Your Father

Frank Tieri went full ham in Multiversity: Harley Screws Up The DCU #4I mean letting it all hang out. The laughter from the Aquaman side of this story was only increased heartily by Logan Faerber’s artwork. The effort that Harley puts forward makes sure that the humor’s in full effect on this issue.

When it comes to the Starro Suicide Squad being introduced, it’s really the only negative that I bring to light with this series. Rather than a viewing party and a lack of interaction with their true target, it dwindles into a few frames of fighting with the Amazons and a brief appearance at the end of the book. I genuinely hope for a more satisfactory acquaintance in the upcoming closing issues of the story.


Multiversity: Harley Screws Up The DCU #4 brought me joy. We also get new instances of Harley fixing the origin stories she had poofed out of existence, and get a few pieces of information. I’m sure that the next issue will prove to be a blast, as Harley Quinn’s going back home. Join me there, next time!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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