“Revenge of the Gods” – Book Three

Writers: G. Willow Wilson, Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad
Artists: Cian Tormey, Emanuela Lupacchino, Raül Fernandez, Alitha Martinez, Mark Morales, John Livesay
Colour Artists: Jordie Bellaire, Alex Guimarães
Letterers: Pat Brosseau, Becca Carey

Review by Davydh Tidey
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #3. A hero freed! A mystery revealed! A Goddess scorned!
Our heroes continue to do battle against the forces of Hera, and stand up to the Gods attempting to overrun the Earth. Honestly, what more could you want?
It’s not your fault. Well, it’s not ALL your fault.
– Cheetah
Shazam! has been imprisoned on Olympus, after the events of last issue left him helpless against the coming threat. He won’t be staying for long, though, not if Yara Flor and another extremely unlikely ally have anything to say about it.
Diana, also having been freed from the home of the Greek gods, makes her way to the battlegrounds of Washington DC to organise an armed resistance against the tide of deities. The Mysterious Stranger finally joins the fight in the light, and his identity will leave you with questions…
They’re busy bees, these Gods and God-affiliates, let me tell you.
Great job, Billy. Winning at life. Absolutely destroying all opposition.
– Shazam!, doing none of those.
G. Willow Wilson continues to deliver excellent characters doing excellent things, and nailing their distinct personalities and personal conflicts. She treats every individual as if they’re the star of the show, even when they’re not, and the scenes we get from that are just great.
The reveal of the Mysterious Stranger absolutely feels worth it. The character they’ve chosen is such a great one that you have no idea where their allegiance actually lies. Add to all that the fact that the mystery of what their true intentions are continues on, even after the reveal. They have ties to the Gods, and they have ties to the Earth. It could honestly go either way as to what side they’re actually taking, adding to the already uncertain fate of our heroes.
I’ve banged on enough about how good Cian Tormey, Emanuela Lupacchino and Jordie Bellaire (along with the wonderful inker, Raül Fernandez) are at the Olympus scenes and the contrast with the ones on Earth, but this time I’m gonna talk about the battle scene because, oh boy is it cool!
Every named character is distinct and you’re able to pick them out of the lineups, there are no action scenes that feel confused or blurred, everything makes sense in its own little bubble on the battlefield. It’s such a simple thing, but I cannot tell you enough how much it is appreciated. Another issue of great art from this team.
I have no desire to kill a God. But DO NOT force my hand!
– Queen Nubia
The battle for Themyscira rages on, with the help of some divine artifacts the Amazons had hidden away. It’s beginning to look like the tide could be turned, if everybody does their part. One of them has snuck away, however, to get the reinforcements that they’ll need to end this permanently…
Becky Cloonan & Michael W. Conrad know exactly how they’re going to bring this story to an end, and they aren’t going quietly. The reinforcements they’ve called upon? Just wait until they get stuck in.
Alitha Martinez, Mark Morales, John Livesay and Alex Guimarães continue to deliver an oppressive atmosphere that makes you feel the Amazons desperation, but this issue is a little different. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel now, and some of the darkness and oppression is lifted, giving way to hope once again. The battle hasn’t been lost yet.
Wonder Woman #798‘s up next, and then it’s the dreaded final issue, Revenge of the Gods #4.
With only two issues left, Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #3 is where we can feel the threads closing in and tying up. The last issue of this is going to be a hell of a read, and you definitely need to be along for it.
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment