“Poison Ivy” – Chapter Ten
Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Artist: Marcio Takara
Color Artist: Arif Prianto
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Review by Fay Clark
When last we saw the Queen of Green, she was with her love, trying to sort out her life… which has become even more chaotic lately. Janet from HR is now one of her best friends and Pam’s still on her “Save the planet from humans and their stupidity” kick. Let’s hope she can take some steps forward, in Poison Ivy #10!
Hippies or Harmful Harlots
G. Willow Wilson is really trying to push female friendships and relationships in this series. I love it. Being able to see a comic series with such good, positive representation is amazing. The series doesn’t focus on Ivy’s sexuality, but shows it just as something else that’s part of her life, as it should. This issue is a perfect example of that.
There are some lovely scenes about women’s sexuality and it’s not frowned upon, or spoken about negatively. It’s just an open conversation between people. Wilson has been smashing this series out of the park. The plot line’s super intriguing and Ivy’s character development between the first issue and now is like night and day. I love being able to see Ivy re-center herself and start to move on from everything that’s happened to her with The Green.
Seeing Ivy still on her mission to make sure humans don’t ruin the Earth is great. It’s awesome seeing her getting back to her roots… pun very much intended. Wilson’s written something that makes you think about the way other people see the world and how, when they think they’re doing the right thing, that’s sometimes more harmful than doing nothing! So much has been put into such a small comic and it’s outstanding to see.
Pretty Purple, but pretty deadly
Oh, I do love it when we get a little bit of hallucination art from Marcio Takara. Somehow, I find it weirdly comforting. This is strange, considering that it’s supposed to be all trippy and upsetting. The beauty of the artwork mixed with the color art of Arif Prianto is stunning.
When looking at something so colorful and pretty it’s something I can’t take my eyes off. There are several scenes in Poison Ivy #10 that have so much detail, in both the foreground and backgrounds, that I’m not sure I could point them all out. This is an art team that I want to stick around for the whole run of the series.
I wait every month for the latest issue to come out, and it’s always worth the wait. I’m so happy when I get to spend time with my girl. She’s been so much brighter in herself in the last few issues and I really hope she keeps catching a break. However, considering how Wilson left us, I kind of doubt that.
It looks like we are in for an interesting next issue!
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment