Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Reinvents Jason Todd

With the newest addition to the  White Knight saga, Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood coming out, readers will finally get to see what happened to Jason Todd and how the series has reinvented him.

So far, we’ve only been given hints to what might have happened to Todd through other characters, like Joker and Harley Quinn, so it’s about time we find out what actually happened with a story focusing on Jason Todd himself.

Written by Clay McCormack and Sean Murphy, and with art and color by Simone de Meo and Dave Stewart, this newest part of the White Knight saga looks incredible.

The first issue is set to launch on July 26, but Grant DeArmitt from Newsarama was lucky enough to sit down with the writers and ask them some questions we all want answers to.

Who is Jason’s brand new Robin? How does his story in the universe differ from what we saw in “Death In The Family”, and “Under The Hood”?

Will you be picking up Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood? What are your thoughts on Sean Murphy’s White Knight Universe? Please, let us know in the comments.

Source: GamesRadar 

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