Margot Robbie Debunks Reports She’s Taking a Break from Harley Quinn

Recent comments from Margot Robbie made it sound like she needed to take a break from Harley Quinn.

Robbie’s take on Harley Quinn has become iconic. There is no doubt that she has become one with the character as Heath Ledger has with Joker and Michael Keaton has with Batman. Part of the excitement for The Suicide Squad is the return of Harley (and some other characters from the first film). Fans love Robbie as Harley Quinn. She was one of the biggest highlights of Suicide Squad and continued to prove herself as Harls in Birds of Prey. That’s why when Robbie made those comments about taking a break, fans were shocked and saddened. The actress has (more recently) cleared things up in a chat with Entertainment Weekly:

No, I’ve had enough of a break. I’m ready to do her again. I did Birds of Prey and The Suicide Squad back-to-back, so that was a lot of Harley all in a one-year period, but that was a while ago now. I’m always ready for more Harley!

More Female DC Universe Characters

In between the Suicide Squad movies, plans for Harley Quinn were all over the place. Gotham City Sirens was the first project to feature Robbie as Harley as one of three leads. The other two were rumored to be Catwoman and Poison Ivy. Eventually, that morphed into Birds of Prey as Robbie had a desire to highlight some unknown female characters from the DC Universe, telling Nerdist:

Whilst I was researching [Harley] I started to read Birds of Prey and first I fell in love with Huntress, and I started looking into all of that. I was like, ‘Wow, there’s so many cool female DC characters and no one knows anything about any of them!’ So what if we had a platform for fans to get to know and fall in love with some of these other amazing women? Focusing on the Gotham City Sirens, there were only three of us and we were all well known, whereas with Birds of Prey you can pick any grouping for that, and I thought that might be the perfect platform to introduce some female characters who might really have some legs in the DC Universe.

Hope for a Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn relationship shouldn’t die quite yet as the actress does keep pestering DC/Warner Bros. about it, speaking with Den of Geek earlier this year:

Trust me, I chew their ear off about it all the time. They must be sick of hearing it, but I’m like, ‘Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy. Come on, let’s do it.’ I’m very keen to see a Harley-Poison Ivy relationship on screen. It’d be so fun. So I’ll keep pestering them. Don’t worry.

With any luck, we’ll be seeing plenty of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn for years to come. In the meantime, The Suicide Squad opens in theaters and on HBO Max this Friday, August 6th, 2021!


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